Monday, March 7, 2011

Kate Spade Eyeglasses Current Position with Rival Companies


A lot of activity has occurred with the eyeglass world that Kate Spade eyeglasses were not a part of. We've been surprised that they haven't been more active. To begin, on Monday Shane Baum released an elite eyewear line. He'd been working for other companies for most of his career and its surprising to see him leave. The new collection of nine vintage eyeglasses, all made in China, is a limited run of less than 100 eyeglass frames per style. We're not used to seeing so little launched.

Kate Spade Eyeglasses

Furthermore, another Kate Spade eyeglasses rival, Christian Dior glasses, will be collaborating with the Sàfilo Group to design a new set of lenses. We're not sure how Kate Spade eyeglasses feel about this. This agreement will last for close to 10 years. This new time of collaboration between the designer retro eyeglasses companies will continue to show the expensive positioning of Dior eyewear.

Lastly, the rimless eyeglasses company and sports company Oakley released a line that both helps and optimizes the technology used in the majority of movie theaters around the world. This is impressive technology that Kate Spade eyeglasses do not have. The company's new frame innovations have been used to maximize the lenses experience by taking advantage of Oakley's new technology, which uses the popular system to let the lenses function without a battery. These rimless eyeglasses will be available prior to Christmas and can be bought online at their popular website. Oakley will provide a range of 3D rimless eyeglasses to address the various needs and desires of movie enthusiasts. Stay tuned for more Kate Spade eyeglasses news.

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